• Edsun.com

    Fixing Data Interoperability


    Educational Solutions Unified Network

  • Google ClassRoom

    • Sync EdFi data with Google classroom
    • View Google Classroom from the Visual Dashboard
    • Google Forms, drive, assignments, grade book, Tracks

    Google Data Interoperability

    google classroom


    Optimize Education

    • Student requests
    • Class size
    • Early warning
    • Chronic absenteeism

    With Data Interoperability

  • District Portal

    • Insights
    • Assessments
    • Google LMS
    • Visual Dashboard

    Google Data Interoperability


  • Mobile App

    Linked to EdFi and Google Classroom data

    Mobile Data Interoperability

  • Fixing Data Interoperability

    By integrating complex big data systems

    Big data integration


We are excited to announce that the integrated solution can run directly off the district EDFI ODS or as EDFI API connection.

The EDFI API is a turnkey solution where the district can go live quickly, requiring only credentials to be up and running.

As screenshots below show, both implementations look very similar. Districts decide which type of implementation they prefer - the EDFI ODS or EDFI API.

Implementation EDFI ODS vs EDFI API

Group shake hand
  Ed-Fi ODS Ed-Fi API
Installation Install on district server. Turnkey solution 
Speed of implementation Project Immediate.  
Provide Ed-Fi ODS/API OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials authorization and the district can go live.
Version compatibility When districts upgrade to a new version, code must also be upgraded. Version compatible.
District upgrades ODS and is still compatible.
ODS Health check Yes. Suggest where the issues are and how to fix. As API information has limited access to the integrity of the database to verify.  Does check for limited possible issues and misalignments in the database.
Google classroom   Difficult to set up and has to be done by the district.  
  Takes long.
  Many API scopes.
  Google must verify thoroughly, taking time.
  Must be maintained by district.
  Additional overhead for district.
  Token security.
  Individual Google modules must be added and maintained.
  Ed-FI Google tables must be sync.
Full ready and approved.  
Turnkey ready 
Dashboard ODS dashboard and
Visual dashboard
Visual dashboard
Importing Data can be imported directly back into the ODS. This is a huge advantage.   Data is imported back to the ODS via a REST API call.
Speed Might be slightly faster and not noticeable. Might be slightly slower and not noticeable. 
Refresh Data is always current. Refresh once a day.
Edit Yes, when a change is made. Example: a student’s email is saved directly into the ODS. Similarly, if an ODS alignment is fixed, it is immediate in the live database. When data is changed, it stays on the external API database.
Student 360    
SIS view    
Scheduler View    
Roster info    
Screenshot dashboard ods dashboard-api
The above screenshots show that both ODS and API implementations look very similar. Above [ODS] shows this is the ODS dashboard.
Both looks very similar.
Above [API] shows this is the API dashboard.
Both looks very similar.